Ten Things That Occurred to Me #12
A Google search for “Spotify Shuffle Sucks” is quite revealing. It is revealing because Spotify’s shuffle algorithm does, indeed, suck very badly.
This is kind of embarrassing, but I was the one guy who never really learned how to "Wang Chung".
So-called “No-knock” raids must end. Now. Not later. Now.
There is no such thing as “settled science”. That is nonsense. Science is all about constantly taking in new information and making better explanations as that new information comes in. Anyone talking about “settled science” is either silly or a charlatan. (See #8 below)
If I ever write a story that takes place in Mexico, my main character’s name is going to be “Piso Mojado”. And his sidekick will be “Cuidado”.
This kind of thing fascinates me. I love the notion of permanent, semi-permanent, and temporary small/tiny housing. This is the kind of thing that could be the solution to so many problems. How hard would it be to give homeless people a tiny house? I suppose zoning laws would make it impossible.
The amount of willpower required not to pay any attention to this “Oscar Slap” thing cannot be measured with an electron microscope.
Once you realize that we will never run out of anything -- including a planet at livable temperatures -- your whole outlook on life will be transformed.
IRW of the Week: I remember when there was but one color of Gatorade -- yellow-green -- and it came in a glass bottle. Good times.
Call me crazy, but I think that the NBA Scoring title should go to the guy who, you know, scored the most points and not to the one who had the best average per game.