Ten Things That Occurred to Me #5
I often find it difficult to come up with productive use of my time. I struggle not to doomscroll all the time. Here's a shortlist of things I should spend my time doing:
Reading a book. Any book, frankly.
Watching quality TV and Movies
Reading quality articles on the Internet. Medium.com is my go-to here.
As I think I've mentioned before, I am trying to figure out the future of the blockchain and how one might profit from the coming wave. Well, as part of that I've been looking into NFTs -- non-fungible tokens. And I am having a hard time why someone would pay almost half-a-million dollars for what amounts to an animated GIF. And then I'm having a hard time understanding what, exactly, you get for that money, and why you'd want it. Obviously, I'm missing something, but yikes, it seems ridiculous on the face of it. Happy to be educated.
I delivered DoorDash today for the first time. Was amazingly easy and kind of fun. The app tells you exactly what to do and where to go, and you make money. You work when you want and can. I thought it was a big win.
Remember when we had those big tower computers and had to make the front accessible so you could put the CD-ROMs in them? Good times.
Is there anything more useless or uninteresting than a "mock draft"? I mean, why pay attention to something that is obviously wrong?
I can remember when Mr. Potato Head required a real, genuine potato.
I'm a firm believer that you can tell almost everything you need to know about a workplace by the Dilbert cartoons that are posted in cubicles and offices around the building.
Newsletter of the Week: My friend Wayne Niddery is a very smart, interesting, capable guy who is, quite frankly, a brilliant thinker and writer. You should subscribe.
Want to feel better? Go over to https://www.reddit.com/r/progresspics/ and upvote every picture you see there. Extra points for posting an encouraging comment. Guaranteed mood enhancer.
This may be blasphemy, but I am of the opinion that an average NBA team today would crush the best teams of the '90s. With the three-point shooting that is common today and the superior defenses, the Bulls of the '90s would be mediocre at best today. There, I said it.