Things That Occur To Me #54
I think most of us would be appalled if we stopped to think about how many ketchup packets get thrown out every day.
Tim Ferriss frequently asks his podcast guests something like, "If you could put a message on a billboard that everyone could see, what would it be?" Mine would be "Always be grateful." It is astonishing to me how cultivating gratefulness has changed my life for the better.
It's a profound revelation to realize that much of what you believe has simply been told to you by others. This is especially true for many of the core values that you hold. That you can, you know, actually decide these things completely for yourself is liberating.
The person who figures out how to make computer and phone screens automatically look just as good in bright sunlight as in complete darkness will make a lot of money.
I may have said this before, but I think Wikipedia might just be the greatest thing humankind has ever done.