Things That Occur To Me #58
I want to say thank you to all of the folks who subscribe. If you are so inclined, please forward this email to a friend you think that might like it. I’d be grateful for your support.
I find it very interesting that "Dark Mode" is the feature that many apps and websites lead with in their marketing. Is it really that important? I guess so.
I'm listening to Spotify on my TV right now, and they show the portraits of the artist and bands for each song. I love the classic, practiced, and almost clichéd nonchalance.
The CapsLock key, which I hate with a passion like the heat of a thousand suns, is a definitive example of “skeuomorphism”. Great word. It’s fun to look for and recognize skeuomorphs. (I note that Chromebooks have wisely dropped this utterly ridiculous key .)
They have found a large deposit of Lithium here in Pennsylvania. So for centuries -- millennia, really -- that lithium (and all the rest, for that matter) has been lying there totally unused, and for the vast majority of that time, we humans didn't even know that it was useful. It makes me wonder: What is lying around here on earth that we currently view as utterly un-useful and not valuable at all, but that will eventually be discovered to be overwhelmingly useful and very valuable?
I was today years old when I realized that you can successfully freeze butter.