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I think if I could wave a magic wand over the adolescents of the world and change one thing, I'd change their strong desire to be thought of as "cool" and make it a strong desire to be perceived as kind. I guess that would work for the whole world, eh?
Remember when the worst thing we got bent out of shape over was how to spell "potato"? Good times.
Let's face it: popcorn is just a butter delivery mechanism.
I find there is no shortage of “Kids these days!” comments everywhere I go. And it occurs to me that such comments are irrevocably perpetual. I’m sure that old farts have been making such comments every day for the last few millennia. But we always seem to muddle through. Actually, we do a lot better than muddle through.
Though I don’t quite understand why I think this, there is something vaguely unethical to me about the use of ad-blocking software.