Things That Occur to Me #69
The ratio of "Value to society" over "Appreciated by society" in double-entry accounting is really, really, really high. It's hard to think of one higher, actually.
I am old enough to remember when a man sitting alone in a McDonald's while conversing with "someone" was a clear indication that he was, uhm, "not well".
I was watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, and I have to ask: Who does Ronald McDonald’s hair?
I think a big problem in our politics and policymaking is that no one is willing to admit that their positions—like every single position one can take—have upsides and downsides. Everything has tradeoffs, and no one wants to admit it.
Remember that one time when the federal government made all the communication companies put backdoors in their encryption, and then the Chinese listened to all of our phone calls using the backdoor? Good times!