Things That Occur to Me #70
Here's the thing that people don't understand about political donations of all kinds:The money follows the politician. The politician doesn't follow the money. In other words, Chevron gives money to politicians likely to cast votes they like. Politicians don't cast votes because they get money from Chevron.
Here's an investing tip: Short the stock of any company that says that they are going to replace their employees with AI. My friend Richard Morris then proposes a corollary: Put a bet on companies that state “We expect that our employees will be X times more productive empowered by AI”.
Drastically Underappreciated Feeling of the Day: When your shoes are kind of loose and your socks slide down into them and get all bunched up and then you pull them up nice and firm and tight.
It kind of weirds me out that there used to be a truck sold in the United States, marketed under the name "Jimmy".
98% of the value created by technologies passes through to society. The actual creators only capture about 2%. Think about that the next time you want to trash talk a billionaire for just being rich.